Mt Baw Baw Road
- Project typeRoadwork
- Project value$8 Million Dollars
- Project scheduleOn Schedule
- Contractor nameLinking Melbourne Authority
- Completion Date2018, September 12
The East West Link has the potential to provide significant travel, economic, business, employment and community benefits for Melbourne and Victoria. It will close the gaps between the major metropolitan freeways to the east, west and north and provide a much needed alternative to the Monash-West Gate freeways, including the West Gate Bridge.
The project will cater for strong demand for travel across the city. Currently, around 200,000 vehicles traverse the north of the central city each day to make significant cross-city journeys.
Our traffic modelling to date has found that around 80,000 to 100,000 vehicles would use the eastern section of the East West Link each day, even before completion of the western section.
This traffic modelling also shows that nearly half the traffic coming from the Eastern Freeway would enter the East West Link tunnel while the other half would continue to use existing routes.
By 2031, there will be 440,000 people travelling east-west across the Maribyrnong River by road (a 38 per cent increase) and 165,000 by rail (almost 100 per cent increase).
Very few cross city roads in Melbourne have available capacity during peak periods, with most connections under increasing pressure in non-peak periods. The eastern section of the East West Link will help to meet the demand for cross city travel and accommodate trips without an increase in congestion. In particular, it will help to alleviate congestion at the end of the Eastern Freeway by removing through traffic that is not destined for the CBD.
In the next 20 years, Melburnians will make nearly 19 million person-trips around the city every day, an increase of 34 per cent on 2006 levels. Nearly 14 million of these trips will be made by car (74 per cent of all trips).
The East West Link eastern section will enhance connectivity to critical destinations, including the Port of Melbourne and Melbourne International Airport.
Improving travel choice for businesses and individuals accessing goods, services, education and employment will help to maximise Victoria's competitive advantage.
Recent studies have updated previous data and dispel misconceptions about the destination of traffic travelling west along the Eastern Freeway.
Our recent traffic modelling shows that most of the traffic is trying to get across town, not into the CBD. Approximately 12 percent of traffic from the Eastern Freeway ends up in the CBD on average throughout the day, with more than 25 percent travelling to western parts of Melbourne.
In the morning peak periods, nearly 50 per cent of eastbound traffic on the Eastern Freeway originated in the western suburbs.
East-west trips crossing the inner north of Melbourne are not just located at the end of the Eastern Freeway - there are significant volumes of longer distance east-west trips on roads such as Bell Street, Brunswick Road, Moreland Road, Victoria Street and Johnston Street. Many of these trips do not use the Eastern Freeway or drivers exit the freeway further east to avoid the congestion on the inner sections.
The East West Link will encourage more trucks onto appropriate roads and away from local streets. This will in turn help to improve the flow of freight across the city, and reduce the cost of doing business. The project will improve connections between industry in Melbourne's north, east and west with national and international markets via the Port and airports.
Freight is likely to be increasingly moved on rail over the next 20 years; but road will remain the key way to move goods as rail does not have the flexibility for deliveries to the supermarkets, shops, businesses and industries across Melbourne.
The project has the potential to remove tens of thousands of vehicles from local roads in the inner north and west, making it easier for people to move around their area and reducing the intrusion of traffic congestion on communities. The project will result in reduced traffic on roads like Alexandra Parade and provide the opportunity to improve connectivity and cohesiveness within local communities.
In combination with other transport network initiatives, the East West Link will support the long term growth and development of Melbourne by enhancing urban renewal, supporting new commercial development opportunities, contributing to increased productivity of local businesses, improving travel times and lowering travel costs, as well as maintaining growth in the services sector.
Reducing the volume of east-west traffic rat running through local streets would provide an opportunity for greater priority to be given to north-south tram and bus services, cycling routes and pedestrian crossings.
We are working with other government agencies, councils, transport providers and related businesses so that East West Link integrates with the overall strategy for the transport network.
Around 80 per cent of public transport services are on the road, so improving our road network is vital to many Melburnians who catch the bus or tram every day.
The East West Link eastern section will include twin, three lane tunnels, 4.4 kilometres long, to reduce impacts on communities.
Road tunnels are being used more and more around the world to provide much needed infrastructure while protecting the land above. Tunnels help to improve local amenity by moving through traffic underground, allowing surface areas to be enhanced for community use.
Contact details
John Sampson
03 9912 9293
Mt Baw Baw Road, 3777 View Map
-37.671188, 145.543971
Mt Baw Baw Road ,
Mt Baw Baw Road