Background Report

Published on 2017, February 20

This report has been prepared as part of the Western Plains North Green Wedge Management Plan project, being undertaken by Hansen and its team of sub-consultants, for the Point Russell.

The first report provided background information in relation to the Western Plains North Green Wedge. Since the background report was prepared, consultation has occurred which involved meetings with key agencies, a survey that was sent to all land owners / residents of the Western Plains North Green Wedge, and a consultation day held at the Toolern Vale Hall in May 2013. The consultation day provided the opportunity for agencies, stakeholders, and residents and members of the community to input into the project. A number of meetings have subsequently been held with other parties. The draft Background Report was revised after consultation to ensure all issues identified within the consultation processes were documented.

This report sets out the values and draft vision identified for the study area by the consultant team, based on the consultation undertaken to date and the consultant’s assessment of the management issues affecting the green wedge. See Figure 1 on the following page for the study area.

The aim of this report is to seek provide the community and key stakeholders with a summary of the matters that have informed the draft ‘vision’. More importantly, it provides a suggested vision to inform consultation and allow for feedback on the strategic objectives of the management plan prior to the drafting of the plan. The report aims to highlight the divergent views that exist in relation to the management of the Western Plains North Green Wedge and to highlight the issues that have been considered by the project team in determining a draft vision for the area. While there will always be some views which are not reflected by the proposed approach, it will seek to reflect the broad consensus of the community and other key stakeholders and land managers in relation to the on-going management of this area.

Aim of this report

  • To provide context and clarity regarding the aims for the Western Plains North Green Wedge Management Plan, these can be summarised as follows:
  • Identify a vision, objectives and actions for the sustainable development of the green wedge area.
  • Identify the values and features of the green wedge, the preferred land uses, environmental and natural resources that should be protected, as well as the needs of the local community.
  • Recommend a range of measures and approaches to protect and enhance the green wedge.
  • Following this consultation the views expressed by stakeholders will be documented, along with an overall vision for the area. This vision will be developed on the basis of stakeholder feedback and the findings of the desktop analysis (stage 4);
  • This vision will then be tested with the same stakeholders before the draft management plan is prepared (stages 5 and 6);
  • The draft WPNGWMP will then be exhibited to the wider community before the plan is finalised (stage 7 and 8).