Holi Video in Text Format

Holi from Variable on Vimeo.

Textual Description of Video

Dreamlike, contemplative music plays.

We slowly ascend a cement staircase that fills our view.

Each step is covered in bright multi-coloured sprinkles of fine powder.

A woman sits at the top in colourful dress.

She squints her eyes against the powder lightly raining on her.

An older man in traditional dress applies amber colour to his forehead.

We move through an almost still frame of a streetscape.

The street has a haze of colour hanging over it as people throw fine powder into the air.

A young man removes a cloth mask from his face.

As he does this, a shower of bright red powder fills the air around him.

He is almost completely covered in the red powder.

From an alleyway, we see a man jumping down from a platform, chasing and throwing powder at another. Their happy appearance suggests they are playing a game.

We return to the streetscape, which is now filled with flying red powder.

Children, run through an alleyway. The floor is lined with red and orange powder, which the children are also covered in.

Looking up, powder is raining from the sky in every scene. Various people of different nationalities, ages and genders revel and play in a childlike fashion.

The events unfold in slow motion, as if we are walking inside a photograph.

A child throws a cup of bright-blue coloured water towards us. The water appears to hang still in the air, revealing the complex waves and droplets of water in motion.

We look up towards a man with a grey beard who is covered in yellow and pink powder. He has thrown a handful of yellow powder into the air as we move towards him. The powder is like a field of falling stars

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