Northfax Chain Bridge Project
This is a warning. We will need to ......
- Project typeMajor Development Plan
- Project valuePre-Application
- Completion Date2024, September 06
The potential applicant is proposing to replace a gas station, retail and former restaurant with 271 multifamily dwelling units in a proposed 8-story building, 2,253 sq. ft. of ground floor commercial, 316 total parking spaces within 5-levels of structured parking, vehicular access to garage from Chain Bridge Road, a new proposed eat-west road (Northfax Street) and streetscape from Chain Bridge Road, and a new proposed north-south road from Fairfax Boulevard with garage access. The garage and portions of the residential building spans over existing box culvert and a stormwater easement.
Potential Requests
The potential applicant is requesting a Zoning Map Amendment (Rezoning) from CR Commercial Retail to CU Commercial Urban in the Architectural Control Overlay (ACOD), Special Use Permit for upper-story residential/mixed use building, Special Exceptions for height, density, 75% of ground floor non-residential, reduction to parking requirement, and inter-parcel connection, and a Major Certificate of Appropriateness for architecture and landscaping. This proposed application would be subject to the City's Affordable Dwelling Unit (ADU) ordinance.
Contact details
Chain Bridge, LLC 6820-B Commercial Drive Springfield, VA 22151, View Map
Chain Bridge, LLC 6820-B Commercial Drive Springfield, VA 22151 ,
Chain Bridge, LLC 6820-B Commercial Drive Springfield, VA 22151 ,
Northfax Chain Bridge Project